
Not every subject can be covered by a few hundred words or a listicle. However, that is some of the advantages of the blog format; no arbitrary word-lengths, the ability to review and lastly, the relative ease to view ‘old’ content. This means if nothing else, it’s more worthwhile to put in more effort in creation.

Below are the series of posts which share several attributes; a heavy word-length (at least 1,200), relatively standalone in content, is relatively evergreen / of historical interest and (generally) doesn’t fit easily in any other category. If it comes under another index (such as Coronavirus) it will feature there.

Last updated: 14/09/22.

Thoughts on Operation Midland (26/10/19)

Ponderings on why ‘Nick’ of ‘VIP abuse’ infamy did what he did.

Reading Labour’s ‘Suicide Note‘ (14/12/19)

Post-mortem on the atrocious 2019 election results.

Nutrition Theatre (11/01/20)

An attempt to apply rationality to some of the clichés regarding nutrition.

Are Vegan Alternatives Actually Better For You? (30/01/20)

Peeking at the vegan bandwagon, seeing if it’s actually any good.

Pointing to the Sunlit Uplands? (01/02/20)

A basic explanation on some of the difficulties facing a post-EU UK in regards to trade.

Socialism vs Identity Politics (19/02/20)

Why there’s some on the Left who feel deeply uneasy about such things as ‘woke’.

Let’s Panic About: Kids and the Internet? (21/02/20)

Thoughts on one of the moral panics of our age.

Eating While Poor (03/03/20)

A quick look on the diets of the truly destitute.

Prepping For Sane People (09/03/20)

A mini-guide for half-arsed preparation for emergencies.

Why GCSE’s are Obsolete (16/03/20)

Wondering whether the hell those exams we were all flogged through at sixteen was worth it.

How Coronavirus Can Change Society (15/04/20)

A look into the crystal ball, wondering what the ‘Post Covid’ world may contain.

VE +75: A Retrospective (09/05/20)

Thoughts on how we Britons are the same – and different – to the ones who lived through the Second World War. And perhaps how they may judge us.

Privileged, Moi? (06/06/20)

Exploring and explaining that strange term; ‘privilege’.

Why Are Conservatives Defending Edward Colston? (08/06/20)

Explaining the apparently unexplainable; defending a monument to a slave trader.

Towers And Statues (14/06/20)

Two years after the Grenfell Tower fire; lessons learned, changes not made.

The Perfect Fitness Routine (15/07/20)

Looking at one of the holy grails of fitness and why it’s unattainable.

A British Obsession: University? (18/08/20)

How British society and nation has been poorly-served in recent decades by our myopic view of advanced education.

Blogging: Lessons From The First Year (21/10/20)

Mulling over my experiences of a year of producing this very blog.

Swansong Of The Third Way (05/11/20)

How the election of President Biden in the United States may be the last hurrah of the centre-left, neoliberal parties – and why.

Et Tu, Boris? (17/11/20)

An investigation on that the hell the Special Advisor Dominic Cummings actually believed and what his sacking may mean for Prime Minister Johnson.

Why Fitness Sucks (24/11/20)

An honest look at why fitness, well sucks.

The English Culinary Cringe? (22/12/20)

Really, is English cuisine really that bad?

Gear Acquisition Syndrome (27/12/20)

Why you keep on buying kit / tools / accessories you don’t need.

Little Brexiteer, What Next? (06/01/21)

Because leaving the EU won’t actually solve the reasons people voted to leave it.

More Than A Food Parcel (14/01/21)

How the issue of food parcels for children is emblematic of the increasing malaise and degradation within the UK.

Are Schools Obsolete? (12/02/21)

Wondering whether the ‘loss’ of education due to the pandemic is not actually that bad, due to the general uselessness of the education being provided.

Return To Normality? (08/03/21)

Why I have precious little faith in the projected post-pandemic economic course for the UK plotted by Chancellor Sunak.

How Physical Education Failed Me (23/03/21)

Looking back on my dislike-hate relationship with my childhood PE lessons, and wondering whether it had to be so.

Is ‘Junk Food’ Actually Bad For You? (06/04/21)

Just wondering whether their vilification is as richly deserved as it first appears.

Manipulation By: Confected Emotions? (19/04/21)

How the British people were manipulated into ‘mourning’ Prince Philip’s death, then tricked into getting angry at the people who didn’t fall into the first trap.

Pick For Pittance? (26/04/21)

Why the ‘Pick For Britain’ campaign last year was doomed to fail, why experts knew it would never work and perhaps, it was only intended to be a ‘public relations’ exercise.

The Future Is Flexitarian (27/05/21)

Explaining why I am not vegan or vegetarian, but why I do think the previous have a point. And why I feel everyone could benefit by incorporating elements of these into your life.

Why ‘Britcoin’ Is Stupid (01/08/21)

Explaining why central banks and cryptocurrency simply don’t mix, and any attempt to do so will be futile. Even if it looks like a good idea on first glance.

What’s The Issue With Palm Oil? (13/09/21)

Confused to what it is, where it ends up and why it’s apparently ‘bad’? So was I.

Blogging: Experiences From The Second Year (24/10/21)

A look at another year of producing this very blog.

Environmentalism’s Class Issue (14/11/21)

Why it feels to many that ‘being Green’ is merely a middle-class hobby.

Hoarding & Poverty (27/11/21)

Explaining and exploring the ‘poverty mentality’ which so many of us have.

Why I Blog (01/12/21)

Looking at the motivations and reasoning behind why I throw so much effort and time into doing something which seemingly provides no remuneration in return.

The Right To Offend? (23/12/21)

So, what the hell is a ‘non-crime hate incident’ and why it’s development is rather worrying.

The Arrogance Of Power (17/01/22)

Staring at the British ruling class and wondering how the hell they manage to convince us they are our ‘natural leaders’ despite their myriad of glaring, repeated failures.

Death Without Grief: When Toxic Arseholes Die (17/02/22)

Hated and loathed people die too. This is a story about what happens when one does, and more importantly how I deal with it. For I have to, for it’s my father.

End Of An Era (28/02/22)

Explaining how the Russian invasion of Ukraine signals the start of a new ‘era’ in European politics, and the quicker we accept this and mentally adjust the better-off we shall all be.

The Legitimacy Crisis (22/03/22)

Why I don’t like the police and why it’s a symbol of problems within British society; which if we’re to confront the autocrats of the world must be fixed.

Eating While Poor: 2022 Challenge (Part 1: 01/04/22, Part 2: 12/04/22)

When I put my stomach where my mouth is and try to answer the question; how low a spend can a person’s food bill get without compromising nutritional requirements or simple edibility?

Lifeboat Politics (16/04/22)

Why some otherwise reasonable, generous folks shall chant ‘Britain Is Full!’ the moment they see a single refugee. And what needs to be done to stop it.

Manipulation By: Weaponised Nostalgia? (05/06/22)

How unreliable memories can be used as a tool to leverage the elderly into voting for reactionary policies.

Something’s Gotta Give (10/08/22)

After twelve years of increasingly incompetent, blinkered and corrupt Conservative governments have led to the point where partial societal collapse in Britain is actually starting to look like a distinct possibility.

False Economies? (23/08/22)

When saving money frankly isn’t.